Brighton & Hove Speakers Club

Home 9 Education 9 Pathways Basics Guide 9 Choosing your path

Choosing your path

You can pick your path by first visiting the Pathways welcome page and clicking on “Continue to Path Selection”.

Button to click to choose your path

Learning materials online via Base Camp is already included are part of your membership, however, if you prefer printed versions of your path then you can do so for an additional fee.

We recommend you Select Digital Resources and learn online, as the printed version does not currently cover all paths.

Option to choose for digital content

When you opt for digital resources, you are given two further choices:

  • If you already know which path to take, choose “View Path Options” and pick your path from there
  • If you are unsure which path to take, then choose “Take Assessment”
Path selection options

The Pathways Assessment will take you through a set of questions that will identify paths that meet your personal and professional development goals and give you a set of recommended paths to choose from.

When you have chosen your path, you can begin your first project.